July 21, 2021
Esports Technology: fast-paced growth allied with incredible solutions

5 min read
Electronics and technology have changed the face of the world, and especially in the past few decades. Entire industries rose out of the boom of electronics, including the massive video game and esports industry.
Technology has made a massive difference in growing and changing esports much faster than any traditional sports could imagine.
The Role of Technology in Esports
Of all the sports out there globally, no other sport is as reliant on technology as esports. When it comes to video games, developers create every single element of the experience (graphics, animations, interface, etc.) with technology. From the complex code behind the video game to the headphones that keep players focused, to the streaming services that let millions of fans watch the most popular events, technology is just so crucial to creating professional video gaming.
Technology is also vital in keeping video games and esports running because if a computer crashes or a network goes down, that can ruin an entire game, match, or tournament. The two have built a pretty significant symbiotic relationship that fuels both industries in the process.
How Esports Changed Technology
As mentioned, the relationship between esports and tech goes both ways. Esports has changed technology, too. While computers and accessories were already becoming necessary electronics with the boom of the internet, esports helped push the high-performance end of the market. The average person could have a decent desktop, but a gamer? They get the mouse with the best reaction time and the most graphic-friendly monitors to experience their games in the best way possible.
Whether a gaming hobbyist or an esports pro, it’s undeniable that the popularity of esports helped push these technological advances further. After all, give a player the right tools and their gameplay can only improve.
Esports directly influenced the technological advancement of internet connectivity, networking, mouses, gaming monitors, graphic cards, and even more techie staples of gaming.
Type of Technologies Used in Esports
Let’s break down some of the top pieces of tech in esports. These technological advances improve multiplayer gameplay, make esports entertainment better and more diverse, and improve the esports industry in general.
Network Infrastructure
Single-player games don’t have to worry about this, but multiplayer games are absolutely reliant on good network infrastructure. Infrastructure helps make sure that you can connect to your friends or foes in any esports game. If a network’s internet connection isn't working properly, players can easily crash, get kicked out, or freeze up. That kind of thing can completely ruin a game and sour any fun you’re having.
Over the years, network infrastructure has become a complex and well-maintained part of esports and its fans and overseers take it very seriously. After all, no one wants to be the guy that ruined the championship LoL game because of a network error, right?
While it isn’t the most talked-about or flashy aspect of esports tech, no true esports industry professional takes networks for granted.
Streaming Platforms
Whenever anyone talks about esports, streaming discussions are soon to follow. While many major games involve professionals playing each other in an esports arena, most people watch esports online through various streaming platforms. Apps like Twitch, Youtube Gaming, and Facebook Gaming take their job seriously.
They don’t only cover esports, of course. These apps platform thousands of different gamers and other streamers, but esports is a huge source of revenue for them. That results in Twitch and co. paying special attention to them (and giving those streams “commercial breaks”).
With streaming as popular as it is, even an empty esports arena could still have millions of people tuning in online.
Mobile Esports
Over time, gaming has become more and more mainstream and popular. However, gaming set-ups and consoles haven’t become any easier (or cheaper). Nintendo, Xbox, and Playstation units are becoming more expensive with each iteration and not all games are accessible or easy to play for a fresh, casual gamer.
The rise of mobile esports is entirely different. Since almost everyone has a smartphone, the average person has the tools to play esports — except, instead of on a fancy computer, they can play it just on their phone. The accessibility of mobile esports is a legendary turning point for the scene and the community should treat it as such. While many gamers don’t take mobile esports very seriously, this sub-genre might just put esports in its most mainstream position ever.
Computer Hardware
Though the first-ever Playstation, Xbox, MSI computer, and Gameboy are all iconic, tech simply can’t be used forever. Things go out of style, the technology gets outdated, and wires and cooling sources just wear out. Because of that, companies have been evolving their console systems to make them play bigger and better games as time goes on.
Hardware is essential to the evolution of gaming, and without it, esports would not be where it is today. While the Nintendo tournaments of old were fun, they were often written off as a kiddie thing and only happened once a year. Nowadays, esports has seasons, hundreds of tournaments annually, and actively improves the gaming world around them.
The Future Impact of Tech and Esports Gaming
Just like it has before, esports will undoubtedly influence tech moving forward. In the near future, one can already see trends constantly changing and updating the esports scene. For example, as the most accessible form of competitive video gaming, the already impressive mobile esports scene will only grow with time.
Similarly, virtual reality is something that excites gamers, and for a reason. Developers just need to fine-tune the system, and virtual reality could become a goldmine for PvP play and esports. Think of how interactive and exhilarating a competition could be in VR!
Tech and esports are helplessly intertwined, so it makes sense that, working hand in hand, the two industries are advancing at a rapid rate. In a decade, who knows how far esports technology will go?